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614 Squadron History

  • The idea of another Air Cadet Squadron in the city of London was sparked by two former Air Cadet Officers: W.A. Mallet and E.H. Muzylowsky, as well as a Master Corporal in the First Battalion of The Royal Canadian Regiment, J. Bentley.


  • Immediately, the Provincial Chairman of the Air Cadet League was informed of the interest in starting a new Squadron. He was receptive to the idea, but he noted that the requirements of a potential new Squadron had to be met before a charter could be granted. These requirements were:

           • Designation of a Sponsoring Committee;
           • Allocation of training facilities;
           • Officers and Instructors had to be found; and most importantly,
           • A supply of young people had to be assured.


  • After considerable time and effort being spent without a Sponsoring Committee being found, the idea seemed doomed.  However, at the end of May 1976, the retired Commanding Officer of 27 RC(AIR)CS, Mr. D.M.R. Hammond, was contacted for assistance. Through Major Hammond, it was hoped that a Sponsoring Committee of ex Air Force personnel could be found.

  • On 15 June 1976, a meeting was arranged with the Base Commander of CFB London, Colonel R.A. Allan. Colonel Allan stated at this meeting, that part of his responsibilities as Base Commander was to the Cadet movement, and he assured that training facilities would be made available.


  • Throughout the summer of 1976, the details were finalized and on 2 September 1976, 614 RC(AIR)CS was officially designated as The Forest City Squadron. On the 23 September, the first training night was held and the Squadron effective strength stood at 49 Cadets.

  • Originally, the Sponsoring Committee had wanted 617 as the number for the new squadron. This was due to the fact that several of its members were part of the original 617 Dambusters Squadron, famous for its bomber aircraft which destroyed dams during the Second World War. The number, however, was already in use, and so 614 was settled on as the next best thing.

  • The resulting squadron has done nothing but grow and improve since its early days, and now parades approximately 75 cadets and 6 Officers.  The squadron has won numerous awards – including Top Squadron in Ontario - for the cadets and many more for the Sponsoring Committee. 

  • If you are new this year to 614, we welcome you whole-heartedly into the 614 Family.




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1. This is an unofficial cadet website that is NOT intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defense, the Canadian Armed Forces, or the Air Cadet League of Canada. This is NOT a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintrained on behalf of the local sponsoring comittee of 614 Forest City Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron.


2. This website is intended for use by the cadets and parents of 614 Squadron, and prospective cadets and their parents, staff, and the local sponsoring comitte. The objective is to provide basic information aboutt the function of the squadron and to inform cadets, parents, and the local community about the Cadet Program and various events that will be taking place.​

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