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614 Squadron parades out of Catholic Central High School at 450 Dundas Street, as well as various other locations in London, Ontario. Cadets in 614 squadron are youth aged 12 - 18.


Weekly regular Training takes place on Wednesday nights, where cadets undergo training in subjects such as citizenship, leadership, fitness, aviation, and drill.


Throughout the training year, cadets are given opportunities to participate in familiarization flying, where they are taken on flights in a glider or powered aircraft with a qualified pilot.


614 Squadron also performs several Field Training Exercises each year, where cadets are instructed in survival skills in a field setting.


Throughout the year the squadron also organizes various trips and activities which will change from year to year. In the past, this included everything from trips to museums to a day at a waterpark.


614 Squadron also has several cadet-led teams including a Drill Team, Range Team, and more!


Whether you are new or old to the 614 family, we welcome you wholeheartedly!

What is the Cadet Program?

The Cadet Program is one of the largest federally sponsored youth programs in Canada.

It is a national program for young Canadians aged 12 to 18 who are interested in participating in a variety of fun, challenging and rewarding activities while learning about the Air activities of the Canadian Armed Forces.  Cadets are encouraged to become active, responsible members of their communities. They make valuable contributions to Canadian society on a daily basis in terms of environmental, citizenship and community activities.  Cadets also learn valuable life and work skills such as teamwork, leadership and citizenship.


Cadets are not members of the Canadian Armed Forces, nor are they expected to join the military. While they are introduced to Air activities of the Canadian Armed Forces and certain traditions, they are also introduced to many other respectable career choices that are available to them.


Through the Cadet Program, the Government of Canada is investing in today’s youth and Canada’s future.

The Cadet Program is community-based. The program succeeds through strong community support and involvement. Cadets in turn make valuable contributions to their communities.


What do we do?


Air Cadets learn the principles of aviation, while some learn to become glider pilots, pilots of engine-propelled aircraft or both.


Why do youth aged 12 to 18 years old join cadets?


  • To have fun;

  • To be with their friends or to make new ones;

  • To partake in interesting and unique challenges;

  • To participate in diverse training at no cost;

  • To learn valuable life skills (work and personal);

  • To improve their self-confidence and sense of responsibility;

  • To pursue an interest in the Canadian Armed Forces; and To be part of a program that is both welcoming and nurturing, where they feel included and have a sense of belonging.


Five things to remember about the Cadet Program


  • Invites all Canadian youth aged 12 to 18;

  • Instills Canadian military values;

  • Develops in youth attributes of citizenship, leadership and fitness;

  • Balances safety and challenge; and

  • Leaves a positive life-long impact through a set of positive youth outcomes.


Five things to remember about Cadets


  • Cadets are proud Canadians and proud citizens;

  • Cadets are healthy in mind and body;

  • Cadets contribute to Canada’s future;

  • Cadets seek and appreciate healthy discipline; and

  • Cadets represent Canada in a positive light.


Why Join 614


614 squadron is a dynamic family environment with a rich history and diverse alumni. When you join our squadron you will feel welcomed with open arms and smiling faces.

How to Join 614


Click on the "JOIN 614" tab to get more information on how to join. 

© 2024-2025 614 Air Cadets Sponsoring Committee. All rights reserved.



1. This is an unofficial cadet website that is NOT intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defense, the Canadian Armed Forces, or the Air Cadet League of Canada. This is NOT a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintrained on behalf of the local sponsoring comittee of 614 Forest City Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron.


2. This website is intended for use by the cadets and parents of 614 Squadron, and prospective cadets and their parents, staff, and the local sponsoring comitte. The objective is to provide basic information aboutt the function of the squadron and to inform cadets, parents, and the local community about the Cadet Program and various events that will be taking place.​

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